Importance of Misoprostol for Women’s Reproductive Health

The reproductive health of a woman is a very crucial aspect, as it is also responsible for a woman’s overall health. There are many ways you can protect a woman’s reproductive rights. One such way is the use of misoprostol for medical abortion. You can buy MTP kit online and begin your journey to reproductive freedom.

Misoprostol has been used to treat stomach ulcers since 1980, but after a thorough study of its application for reproductive health for years, it got approved for abortion after three decades. Even after the approval, the pharmaceutical industry is still reluctant to acknowledge its use for abortion.

WHO (World Health Organization) and FIGO (Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology) have submitted detailed information on the use of misoprostol, but somehow their publication is either too long or they think that the reader already has a basic knowledge of it.

There are women who aren’t aware of the tablet named Misoprostol. In most states, misoprostol is registered under the name Cytotec (used to treat ulcers). In many countries, it is still not registered as a beneficial medicine for women’s reproductive health.

This indicates that the pharmaceutical industry does not produce the medicine in permitted dosages and formulations for use in reproductive health care, nor does it give information on proper dosages and methods of administration. To know this, read this complete blog post and gain knowledge on the importance of misoprostol in women’s reproductive health.

What is Misoprostol used for?

Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin used for the treatment of stomach ulcers. But apart from this, misoprostol is also a crucial medicine to terminate the pregnancy. It is one of the most popular and common drugs that provides appropriate care for women’s health.

Misoprostol can be used during the first trimester to terminate the pregnancy, along with the other tablet, mifepristone. The combination of both pills is perfect for the termination of a pregnancy.

What does misoprostol do?

Misoprostol helps with the termination of pregnancy during the first and second trimesters. It is supposed to be taken in combination with mifepristone, another abortion pill. It’s very important to know the mifepristone-misoprostol regimen for a safe and effective abortion.

The abortion process begins by taking mifepristone after a meal or on an empty stomach, which is also fine. After 24 to 48 hours, you need to take misoprostol; this also depends on how far along you are.

After consuming misoprostol, you will soon start experiencing cramps and heavy bleeding. This happens because misoprostol causes uterine contractions and removes the fetus from the uterus in the form of bleeding and sometimes clots.

How can misoprostol help with women’s reproductive health?

Easy access to misoprostol tablets for medical abortion can help women in many ways, especially with their reproductive health. This can ensure that their reproductive rights are protected.

With the current ban in many states of the US and restrictions levied in some states, accessing abortion pills online has become a task. When women aren’t allowed access to basic abortion facilities, they choose to go for unsafe abortions. Especially women who live in rural areas, where even the most basic medical facilities are lacking.

The availability of misoprostol can ensure that women are having safe abortions across the states. Women can buy misoprostol online and get rid of their unwanted pregnancies within weeks.

Side effects of misoprostol

Misoprostol is the most effective abortion pill, and without it, abortion cannot be completed. Misoprostol alone can terminate the pregnancy, but mifepristone can’t. Consuming misoprostol can have some side effects, ranging from mild to moderate. These side effects are common in nature and normal during the abortion process.

The following are the side effects caused by misoprostol:

  • Nausea
  • Fever and chills
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea (the most common)
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heavy bleeding

Some severe side effects include:

  • Incomplete abortion
  • Blood clots in the uterus
  • Serious infection
  • Heavy bleeding that requires surgery

The occurrence of these side effects is very rare; the chances are 0.1%, but there’s a possibility. The reason for this could be fake medicines, incorrect usage, or a heavier dosage than recommended. It is advisable to book an appointment with your healthcare provider before taking misoprostol and also after a week or two of abortion.

They will provide you with all the information, help you understand the complete abortion process, and tell you the correct usage and dosage.

If, by any chance, you experience any of these serious side effects, get in touch with your doctor immediately.

The bottom line

The above blog showcases the importance of misoprostol for women’s reproductive health. Hence, it proves that misoprostol should be registered as a drug that can improve the reproductive health of a woman.

Buy misoprostol online and terminate the unwanted pregnancy. Speak for yourself and protect your reproductive rights.

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